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Well, I'll give you snippets on three different experiences that come to life. One back in 1954, I was the ripe old age of 14. A major hurricane by the name of Carol came ashore. And a number of things stick in my mind as a young person. I still remember today as if it that happened yesterday. The first I had a little tiny skiff with an outboard on it. I used to go out fishing on and it was on a dock that my mother had built. And I wanted to move it. And she said it's too late. And I can remember throwing an alarm clock at her in the car. And as the day progressed, that storm got worse and worse and worse, because it hit at high tide. And we all went up to the school and that's what we spent up until about one o'clock in the afternoon there.


Elizabeth (Liz) DiCarlo


Dawn Letourneau